Whether you need input from team members or you want a third-party (e.g., translation vendor, marketing, legal, etc.) to review or edit content, it’s common to need to share copy outside of Frontitude.
With Frontitude's Export as CSV feature, you can share content on Frontitude, while allowing others to view the content using traditional tools, like Excel or Google Sheets.

Export project as CSV
1. In List View, click Export in the upper right corner.
2. There are a few options for exporting:
- Apply filters - Select this if you only want to export copy filtered by the current List View filtering.
- Include duplicate instances - Select this if you want all duplicate copy exported, or only unique instances.
- Include hidden items - Select this if you want all hidden copy exported, or only the visible ones.
- Include translations - For projects that were translated, this will export all existing translations (Including final and in progress translations).
- Only final translations - Once you checked the Include translations box, this option will appear in the dialogue box, allowing you to export only completed (final) translations.
3. Click Export as Spreadsheet. All copy will be available as a CSV file, compatible with Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers.
Exported file format
The exported CSV file includes the following columns:
- Project name - The Frontitude project name in which this text is stored
- Page name - The Frontitude page name in which this text is stored
- Frame name - The Frontitude frame/screen name in which this text is stored
- Unique key - Text's unique key that was set on Frontitude
- Value - Text's latest source-language value
- Value (<Language Name> - <Locale>) - A separate column for each configured target language, including the locale identifier (LCID)
- Status - Text's (source-language) workflow status (New/Draft/Review/Final)
- Tags - A list of tags attached to the text, separated by commas
- Copy guidelines - The content guidelines attached to the text
- Updated at - The last time the text value was updated, in UTC
- Last edited by - The full name of the last user who edited the text
- Frontitude link - Link to view the text in Frontitude's web application (requires access)