Import copy components from JSON files

Frontitude lets you import product copy from the code, localization tools, or other external sources, straight into your copy library.

Using this method, you can upload your product copy to Frontitude and store it in a single source of truth. Upload content from a JSON file, and Frontitude will automatically create copy components from the imported file so you can begin collaborating on your product copy with the entire team.

Type of supported JSON files

The import feature currently supports the following JSON formats:

  • Flat
  • Nested


💡 If you use nested JSON structure, all non-leaf keys (keys that point to an object and not a string) will be converted into categories, to make the import better organized.
💡 To convert CSV into JSON, you can use this tool, free of charge, until we support CSV files. If you are looking for other file formats please contact us at

Import copy components from a JSON file

Once you have a JSON file that includes copy, either generated by developers from the codebase or localization tools, you can import it to the library by following the next steps:

  1. Open the Copy Library.
  2. On the top of the screen, next to Add components click on the Options menu (three dots), and choose Import from file.
  3. You can either click on browse or simply drag and drop and JSON file into the droppable area.
  4. Once the file upload has been completed, Frontitude will notify the number of valid entries that have been detected in the file.
  5. Check the Override values of existing copy components checkbox to update existing components with the import's content. Keeping it off ensures that existing component will remain unchanged.
  6. Click Import to start the import process. Once it’s finished, you’ll get the number of components created. Notice that this process can take a while for large files.
  7. The imported copy will be stored as "Uncategorized" and wait for you to be categorized.
  8. Follow this guide to learn how to build and maintain an organized copy library.

Import copy components from a JSON file
💡 Frontitude will associate the text value in the file as the component name, and the key from the file will be set as the unique key of the copy component.
💡 Frontitude will automatically create categories if JSON file uses a nested structure

Import translations from a JSON file

Copy library import supports files in flat format only. If the file is exported from Frontitude, make sure that you have unchecked the 'Include metadata' option."
  1. Open the Copy Library.
  2. On the top of the screen, next to Add components click on the Options menu (three dots), and choose Import from file.
  3. You can either click on browse or simply drag and drop and JSON file into the droppable area.
  4. Once the file upload has been completed, Frontitude will notify the number of valid entries that have been detected in the file.
  5. Click Import to start the import process. Once it’s finished, you’ll get the number of translations created. Notice that this process can take a while for large files.

Import translations from a JSON file
💡 Translations are created only for existing copy components. If no component found for a key, the translation will be skipped.

Next steps

Once you're done importing the new copy as copy components, you can invite other members of your team, manage all your product copy in one place, sync the content with the design and code, and localize your product copy.
